Blogger is silently rolling out XML sitemaps to all of the BlogSpot Blogs. This is another long awaited feature and as of now, I can see these only on BlogSpot blogs and not on ones mapped to Custom Domains. Blogger has been adding more and more features and this is another really awesome roll out from Blogger.Sitemaps provide information about all the URLs in your Blog. This structured information will give loads of information about your Blog to the Search Engine Crawlers.

Blogger has simplified the process of editing blogger templates by coming up with a new colorful inline code editor. The new editor also has an inline preview option which can display a preview of the changes that you have made.Blog’s HTML template is the code which gives life to the Blog’s look and feel. An upgrade to the editor is really good move from the Blogger team which will help us in editing and maintaining the Template code in an easier way
A permalink (or permanent link) is a URL that points to a specific blog entry after it has passed from the front page to the archives.Blogger generates this permanent link based on your post title(If the title is in English). For example if your post title is “Hello World”, the blog post’s permalink would be something Till date Blogger never allowed the user to control what the permalink should be but it rather assigned a permalink on it’s own.
Blogger has introduced 6 awesome Gadgets for the Dynamic Views/Dynamic View Templates. The Widgets appear as a Floating Dock and expands when the user hovers over it. These Gadgets matches up with the look and feel of the CSS3 powered Dynamic Views.
Blogger has started using Country Specific URLs and some of you might have already noticed it. The change has been rolled out in India.If you are from India try visiting any BlogSpot URL and you will be redirected to the country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD). For example if you visit any page from India , you will be redirected to the country specific page. Similarly if you visit any other ccTLDs from India, you will be redirected to the Indian TLD.
There is some Good news from the Blogger Team on the Blogger Code Blog. If you have enabled the Mobile Templates, you will be able to customize the Blogger Mobile Template by using CSS definitions. You will also be able to control which widgets are to be shown and which shouldn't. You can also configure the widgets to show an alternate content in the mobile view.
Blogger has added a new option to easily integrate Google Analytics with your Blog.
To Add your Google Analytics Tracking code, you just need to specify your Google Analytics Account number in your Blogger Dashboard. To do that Go to Settings > Other and fill up the “Google Analytics Account number” field, Once done Save the Settings. Now Blogger will automatically add the analytics tracking code to your blog(even on the mobile version).
Blogger has added an option to enable/disable the Light Box Feature. Those who want to disable these overlay displays can easily do that from the Blogger Settings Menu. To know more read Disable Blogger Light Box
Most of you might have noticed the Light box overlay display for images on your Blogger Blogs. The feature looks similar to the one in Google Plus. The feature is enabled on all Blogger Blogs by Default.
The new Blogger Dashboard allows you to change your blog’s favicon with a few clicks. . The feature has been around for a while now and most of you might already be using it.This tutorial is for the ones who don’t
Blogger has just launched a set of incredible perspective views which can turn your blogs into stunning examples of CSS3 and HTML5 Technologies.
Checkout the following perspective views of BloggerPlugins :..
Some of you might have already noticed the new “Follow by Email” Gadget on your “Add a Gadget Page”. The gadget is pretty simple and easy to install.
To add this Gadget, Follow these simple steps
Blogger was created by Pyra Labs in 1999 and was acquired by Google. Ever since the acquisition, Google has been improvising and adding new features it. Blogger is changing and its changing real fast. Last year we saw lots of new features being added on to blogger like:
Good news for all android Folks!!. Blogger has released an official Android App. Its simple and neat and does the job perfectly. You can create a post or make drafts from your android device.If you are an android user, try it out by downloading the App from the Android market

Some months back, I had posted about how you can add Custom Fonts to Blogger using the Google Fonts API. Now Blogger has integrated all of these Custom Fonts into the Blogger Template Designer. This means that you will be able to use these Custom Fonts without the need for any Template Edits.
Blogger has now released mobile templates, which would make your blog look cool on your smartphones. The mobile templates will reformat your blog for mobile phones. It will even strip down the post content on your home page, so that its more readable and not too lengthy.
This feature is still in draft and so you will have to login to enable this new Feature.
Till now Blogger used to have two Feed Control Options, a Short Feed or a Full Feed. The short feed, as the name suggests contains a short version of your post with HTML and images stripped off. The Full Feed contains everything including the images and the HTML. Now Blogger has added a third option which will give you better control over what gets displayed in your Feed.
Blogger allows you to upload your own videos via the Blogger Post Editor. It also allows you to embed YouTube videos into your posts(by copy pasting the YouTube embed code into your post editor). Now Blogger has made this process even more simpler by providing a better interface for adding YouTube videos.
This YouTube integration is available only in the updated Post Editor. So if you are still using the old editor, it’s a good time for an upgrade.