Showing posts with label Template Hacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Template Hacks. Show all posts
@Twitter has now officially released new Sharing Buttons with counter(Tweet Button). The button comes in three styles and has a new URL shortener(  The tweet button will show how many times your post has been shared on twitter.

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Having a Shorter Version of your Blog Post’s URL is much useful especially when sharing links with others. If you visit that link, you will end up right back here. This URL shortening was done with the Help. Bit is one of the most reliable URL shortening services on the Web. Wordpress has got its own URL shortener namely WP. If you are interested in providing Short Sharable URLs of your Blogger Posts to your readers, then read on. Demo is present on the post page.

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Blogger has been rolling out new features to improve the looks and usability of the blogs. Blogger is now testing out a new Social Sharing icon set consisting of Email, Blogger,Twitter(with shortener),Facebook and Google buzz buttons. The set looks simple and elegant with some cool mouse over effects. These Sharing buttons are now available in your regular dashboard.If you need to take a peek at these new sharing icons, then take a look at my post page(and try sharing it :P ).

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Facebook Like Button For Blogger

This Tutorial will help you in adding a Facebook Like Button For Blogger. Facebook has come up with a new set of Social plugins which enable you to provide engaging social experiences to your users with just a line of HTML. The Facebook Like Button is One of them. You can see a demo of the like button on this page. The Facebook like button will allow your readers to quickly share your posts with their Facebook Friends. You can also get to know how many people liked your Blog Post .This tutorial will teach you to add a Facebook Like button for Blogger

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Blogger has got a default Navigation Bar. This navigation bar is hidden in most of the third party templates. Instead of hiding the nav bar using CSS, we can completely remove it.

To do that

1. Login to your Blogger account and navigate to Layout > Edit HTML

2. In the Template Code find <body> and just above that add the following Code.

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You might have seen the Pencil , Screwdriver and Spanner links on blogger. It seems like these icons appear only when you are logged in to your blog. But if you take a look at your Blog's Source From your Browser's View source option, then you will find that there are plenty of quick edit links on your blog even if you are not logged in. These are the quick edit  links and these will  be hidden using CSS if you are not logged into your blogger account(but still be present in your blog as hidden links).

What is the use in Removing these Links?

You will be able to reduce the number of external links on your Blog and make it more Search Engine Friendly

Do i loose anything if i  remove these Links ?

You will no longer see the Quick Edit pencil image  or wrench links quick-edit-wrench-blogger  on your blog   . If you want to Edit a Gadget, you will have to go to the Layout > Page Elements Page .

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stumbleupon-counter-for-blogger Like all other Social networks, StumbleUpon has also got some really elegant sharing buttons. StumbleUpon has got 6 different  sharing buttons.  You can choose any of these six. Integrating this into your blogger blog will require some template Edits.

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Add Google Buzz Buttons To Blogger Blog

google-buzz-buttons-for-blogger Google Buzz is a social tool from Google and it is much similar to Twitter and Facebook :). Google Buzz is a new way to start conversations about the things you find interesting. You can read more about Google Buzz at the official Google Blog . You might have seen the Google Buzz buttons on Mashable. You can see a demo of this button in this post page. :) . Now Google has officially released the Share Counters, So here are the steps to get the Buzz button on your blog.

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You might want to add a custom automatic signature below each of your blog posts. This would be more useful if you are running a Team Blog with multiple authors. You can use unique signatures for each author.The same can be done on a single author blog also :)

Adding Signature to Single Author / Multi Author Blogger Blogs

1. Create a Signature using Photoshop or some online Generators like My Live Signature

2. Upload this signature image to blogger.Once its uploaded hit preview and copy the image location(Note down the URL of the image).

3.Now Go to Layout > Edit HTML and Expand your Widget Templates

4.Now Find

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Blogger has now released the pages feature just like in Wordpress blogs. You can use these pages for about me, contact me etc. The blogger pages are more or less like the blogger posts. But these pages wont appear in the blog archives and the blog feeds.

How to create a Blogger Page?

1. Login to your Blogger Account

2. In the posting Tab you will find an Edit Pages optionimage

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Facebook has now officially introduced the Retweet like Facebook buttons for your blogs or sites. These Facebook buttons look much similar to the Retweet buttons by Tweetmeme. Facebook has 5 styles of Sharing buttons. Here we will see two of them.

Adding a Facebook share count button will show a neat count of how many times your blog post has been shared on Facebook.

Note: The Facebook share buttons are deprecated and FB no longer supports it(It still works though). You can still add it if you want. You can also opt to add the new Facebook Like Buttons with Like Count.

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Blogger is now introducing features every day as part of its 10th birthday celebrations.Now it has formally announced the Blogger Comment avatars. To know what it means take a look at the comments here on this blog and you will see the profiles pictures of the commentators near to the comments.If you are using some default blogger template things would be much easy.Here is a little screenshot of the new feature.

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Page Navigation is a really awesome and long awaited feature. You might have seen numbered page navigation on many wordpress blogs(wp-pagenavi by Lester Chan). Muhammad Rias of Techie Blogger had already developed a page navigation system for blogger.It really was an awesome trick which was made at a time when nobody could even think of implementing it on blogger.It had some minor bugs and now Abu Farhan has perfected it and he has now given us the perfect page navigation solution.Here is a little screenshot of what this is all about. blogger page navigation

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Blogger is fulfilling some of our expectations. Now blogger officially supports Post Summaries With Read more.This means that you wont need any JavaScript and CSS based tricks to display post summaries on Non-Post Pages.

How Does This Work

Blogger has introduced something called jump breaks. This will help you in creating the summary. What is a jump break? - Jump break is a special tag which can be inserted anywhere in a post using the post editor.When you have inserted a jump break into a post, the portion of the post above(or before) the jump break will serve as the summary of the post. This means that only this smaller portion will be displayed on Non-post pages.

How to insert a jump break?

If you are using the New Advanced Post Editor, then you can insert the jump break easily from the post editor's Compose mode.
If you are not using the New Post editor,then you will have to manually type the jump break tag . To do that just place <!-- more --> [Note that there is a space before and after more.] at the position where you want the break to occur. Now try going to your home page,and only the summary would be displayed on the home page.You might get problems seeing the Read More Link if you are using a modified and highly customized template. In that case try the following adjustments. Go to your Blogger Template > Edit HTML . Now check if the following code is already present in your template
<b:if cond='data:post.hasJumpLink'>
                                                    <div class='jump-link'>
                                                    <a expr:href='data:post.url + "#more"'><data:post.jumpText/></a>
If this code is not present in your template,then add this code before
<div class='post-footer'>
Now it should work properly.. If it doesn't,then leave a comment here and i will try to help you out..

Changing the Read More Text

By default the read more link text is Read more » . You can change this to whatever you like. To do that, Go to Blogger Layout page and click on the Edit link on the Blog Posts Widget.


Change the Post Page Link Text and Save the Settings..

Drawbacks of the New Feature

For the post summaries to work effectively, you have to edit each of your posts and add the jump link in each of them. Blogger wont generate summaries automatically.:(

Permalink:Post Summaries on Blogger With Read More

Blogger,as a part of its 10th Birthday celebrations, has now released a new version of the label gadget.This one is much better that the old version

What is new?

  1. It comes with a Label Cloud.
  2. It lets you choose which labels are to be displayed.
  3. You can customize it further using CSS.

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Related Posts with Thumbnails for Blogger

related posts with thumbnails for blogger

Displaying the links to related posts along with a thumbnail of the corresponding post will help you increase the page views/user .Users will be tempted to go for the related posts when they are presented attractively with thumbnails.

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Update: Twitter has now Released its own Retweet Buttons - So check it out at  Official Tweet Button from Twitter With Counter

How to add retweet button to Blogger ?

Twitter is getting more and more famous and so is retweet  Most of you might be knowing of both of this.Still i will give a brief into on both :P
Twitter - Twitter is  a free social networking site that enables users to send short notices of 140 characters. :P
Retweet - This one enables to repost some interesting tweets on twitter.The retweet button can act more like a tweet counter
Adding a retweet button will show a neat count of how many times,your post has been tweeted about,and will also allow your readers to retweet it

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Have you ever felt that the blogger comment form (even the embedded inline one) doesn’t look pretty.Don’t worry you can convert the default comment form of blogger to an stylish commenting system which enables threaded comments and author images.Here i am listing some of the most popular commenting alternatives,.

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Link to me widget for blogger

This is a nice little widget which can find its place in your blog’s sidebar.You might want to let your readers link back to you in an easy way.We will now make a new Link To Me Widget which will display the code needed for a reader to link back to your blog.We will also provide a Add link using Blogger Button.

This button will work like a widget installer,which makes it easier for your readers to add your link.They can link back to you easily by adding your link to me widget.

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Making the Sidebar and the Post Area to be of Same Height

Some of the simple blogger templates use CSS to set the background color of the sidebar and the main post part. In this case,the heights of these two columns can be different making it look a little awkward. In many cases you may want to make both of these columns of the same height.

If you didn't understand what i am talking of,then i will show you some demos.

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