Showing posts with label Blogger Widgets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger Widgets. Show all posts
image This is an updated version of my Recent Posts Gadget.As the name suggests, this Gadget will help you to display the most Recent Posts on your Blog’s Sidebar. The Gadget has an options panel and can be configured to meet your needs. The Gadget inherits styles from your Blog. But you can override the colors if you want(this was done to support third party templates which doesn’t have the skin variables properly defined).

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This Widget will act as  a "Table of Contents". It will list out each of your blog posts in a styled table. When you hover over the post title, you will see a summary of the post. The Widget also displays the Post dates and labels. It will allow you to sort the posts by title or by post date. I employs a bubble sort algorithm to sort the posts accordingly.

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By blog statistics, i meant the number of blog posts and number of reader comments on your blog.The blog statistics widget displays the total number of posts and the total number of comments made on your blog as a beautiful sidebar widget.

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You might have seen a Scroll to Top or Back To Top button on many sites and blogs.You can see a similar button here on my blog.

Ok what is the advantage of using a scroll to top or back to top widget?
When you add the scroll to top widget you will get a button on the right corner and when a user clicks on it he can get back to the top of the blog.

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Blogger allows multiple users to contribute to a single blog.So some of your blogs may have multiple authors.This widget is for all those blogs which have multiple blog authors.The top authors widget displays the list of top authors together with the number of posts each of the top authors has made.This statistics is based on the latest 5000 posts on the blog.

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I have mostly seen google search boxes on most blogs.So i thought of implementing a cute looking yahoo search box widget for blogs.The yahoo search widget can search either your blog alone or the entire web.This is just a simple search widget which will nicely fit into your blogger sidebar..

This search box has the yahoo branding logo inserted within the search box.By default the search widget will search your blog.The user can opt to search the entire web if he wants..

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A tag cloud or label cloud for blogger is a visual depiction of all labels used on your blog.You can see a demo of the Label cloud for blogger(blogger label cloud) here on my site. This Tag Cloud Widget was originally developed by phydeaux3. This is a modded version of phydeaux’s Cloud. This is much better than the Blogger’s Default Label Cloud. First of all Go to Your blogger Layout > Page Elements page and add a Labels Widget there..You can Do that using the Add a Page Element Option on that page.

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Technorati is an Internet search engine particularly for searching blogs.Technorati has a ranking system based on the number of references made to the blog.I have now made a widget which will display your technorati rank in a similar way as the feedburner count is displayed.The widget also comes with a Add to Technorati feature which allows your blog readers to favorite your blog

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Blogger has always lacked a Top Commentators Widget which would encourage the readers to leave useful comments on your blog. This blogger widget will display a list of your top commentators.Here i have used a yahoo pipe to implement the same. Thanks to Google system for providing us with a wonderful yahoo pipe.

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You all know the importance of RSS feeds. There are different online RSS readers available.Your blog readers may wish to read your blog feeds in their favorite reader.This widget allows you to add Buttons of all popular online feed readers to your blog.It also adds an email subscription box(if you have got an feedburner email delivery for your blog) where users can provide their email to get your blog feeds by mail..

Note: If you are reading this in a Feed Reader the widget installer wont be displayed properly.So visit the actual article on the site to install the widget.
You must have seen a lot of "Translate This Blog" Widgets on other wordpress and blogger blogs.So i thought of making a once click installable widget for the same.To install this language translation widget you just have to use widget installation button over here.

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google-talk-widget Google Talk is one of the most popular IM clients on  the Web. The Google Talk Widget for Blogger will help you in adding an elegant Google Talk badge to your Blogger / BlogSpot Blog.

The Google Talk Widget comes in 2 varieties. You can add any of these two widgets.Both of them are different and work differently :)

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Orkut is nowadays becoming more and more popular.So i thought of making up a new orkut profile badge widget for blogger(actually it can be used on any web page). To do this just login to your orkut account and get the following details 1)Your Profile pic Url This can be done by right clicking your profile pic and choosing copy image location 2)Your Profile Url 3)Your Scrapbook Url 4)Your Send message Url 5)Your Write Testimonial Url 6)Your Send Teaser Url Use these details in the widget creator(below) and get the widget added to your blog

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The Recent Posts Widget for blogger displays recent post titles and their summaries in your sidebar. You can customize this widget to display the recent posts of any blogger blog that you like. You can customize the number of posts to display, whether or not to display a post summary and even set the size of this summary(in number of characters).

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The Recent Comments Widget for Blogger displays recent blog comments on your sidebar.You can use this widget to display the recent comments of any blogger blog.You can customize the number of comments to display in the widget, whether or not to display the post name, the comment-date, and the size of the comment(in characters). This widget might encourage your readers in leaving comments on your blog :)

How to Install the Recent Comments Widget For Blogger

Before installing the Recent Comments Widget, take a look at the following Settings in the Widget Installer.

  1. This should be the URL of a blogger Blog. If you are installing the Widget on the same blog then you can leave this field blank . This field is useful for those who have multiple blogs..
  2. Number of comments -  The number of comments to be displayed in the Widget
  3. Show comment date - If you want to show the comment date, then tick this option
  4. Show post title - If you want to show the title of the post on which comment has been made, then tick this option
  5. Summary  Size : If the comment is more than this size in length, then the rest of the comment will be chopped off

Now that you are clear with the settings, click on the below button to add the Widget to your Blog.


Add Recent Posts Widget

Credits : This is  a slightly modified version of the Recent comment widget by Beautiful Beta

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this widget, feel free to comment on.

Blogger Officially has a Star Ratings Widget, but the Rating Stars provided by Blogger are too small and not so beautiful. Outbrain has come up with an alternate Rating system which can be easily added to any platforms including Blogger.

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Everybody knows the imprtance of Rss feeds.So its better to give the readers an option to subscribe to your feeds in their favourite Rss Reader..

Here in this blog you can see a Drop Down Subscription box on the left.Here is how i implemented it..

Goto your Blogger Template>Edit Html and find

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As you guys know the comment field of my blog is do follow..If you too have a blogger blog whose comment field is Do Follow,then let others know of this by adding the Do follow widget to your blog.If you don't know of the Do Follow movement read about it here.. If you are already having a Do Follow comment field for your blog then add the following plugin / widget to your blog

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I got some requests about implementing the Buy me a beer / Buy me a coffee widget after each of your blog post..So i decided to write this out for you..

Goto your Blogger Template> Edit HTML and expand the widget templates..Now find

<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>

and immediately after that place the text from after properly editing it with your paypal email address(replace youremailaddress with the email address using which you registered at paypal)..

If you have any doubts leave a comment.. and if you like the trick then why not buy me a coffee from that link below!!??
I have created a widget that will list my blog's recent posts on your blog.
If you are using blogger you can add this widget to your blog.
This widget will list my blog's latest 5 posts on your blog.To add this widget you can use the button below
.Thanks to Beautiful Beta for helping me in making the widgets..
Once you install this widget on your blog your blogs's sidebar will show the latest posts on my blog.
So grab the widget and get a backlink from my blog.

If you are reading this in a Feed Reader the widget installer wont be displayed.So visit the actual article on the site to install the widget.