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  • #3378

    I hope u like it thanks. answer me here with your opinion and i ll tell u mine about yours



    The Lord is good at all the times. God is still in the miracle business. Today during prayer session at Tarry Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah has a revelation from God that a lady he pointed to was very sad and depressed in life because a lady has snatched her husband from her immediate as Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah spoke a prophetic word on her the spirit behind it started to manifest herself through the lady and gave the name Ashokaa, that she helped by her own mother and two of Mrs boyes sisters to manipulate the man, he has been tied under the sea and also a stone has been placed on him and he was also under the control of Ashokaa prior to that he has abandoned his responsibility as a father and a husband. Mrs boye has also been moving from one place to the other to seek for solution but all to no avail different man of God have tried but no solution so this small boy cannot do anything to help her so she’s waisting her time but Jesus is Lord through prophetic prayers she confessed that there is a power that surpasses all powers and that Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah is a great man of God and confessed that she has done to Mrs boye she has repented just after that the husband also called and he was told that the wife is at church being prayed for and immediately he showed up at the church to thank God. Who has not step into any church before his life style, THE HUSBAND . Brethren see what God can, He is soo Good.

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