Template "Color Paper" not working!!!

Blogger Help Forums Forums Blogger Template Tweaks Template "Color Paper" not working!!!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by   2 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #4140

    My blog


    As you can see, the template “Color Paper” which I got off the blogger template site is not working properly as it should. The background images for several parts of the template are not spanning as they should and basically the entire thing looks a total mess. I have contacted the person who converted it via there website contact form, however they have not gotten back to me and it’s been a good while. I would really appreciate it it desperately if anyone with the expertise may consider taking a look at it for me and helping me figure out what is wrong and why the template is not working for me?


    Many thanks in advance!


    I also experienced the same thing as you.

    this my blogspot:

    1. Sepatu Import

    2. Sepatu

    3. Jersey Murah

    4. Kaos Murah

    5. Sepatu Asli

    6. Toko Sepatu

    The blogspot which I manage, but I can not change the background, please help me

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