Social button & different pages??

Blogger Help Forums Forums Blog Setup Help Social button & different pages??

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by   12 months ago.

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  • #4197

    I’ve installed a free template but I’m not sure how to link the social buttons to my social profile? Also they have different pages installed and I’m not certain on how to change the name of these and also what they display? Probably really dumb and questions but I’m genuinely confused. Willing to pay £5 via paypal to someone that can help me fix all this!!


    What template do You use?

    In most cases have to go to edit HTML and search for name of social service- facebook for example,and change # for your social profile adress

    You can also delate your current social icon and use sharethis so you can get for Free statistics, analytics and share your posts via email and about 20 social service

    You can see how it works on my site


    I have just heard about bloggers ads sense but i find it difficult signing up for the ads acpunt because i couldnt put my nigeria number on the sign up do to requesting for some area code which i know nothing of, kindly assist me with ao i can put my nigeria number and the codes to put before the number


    thanks for the information it was very helpful…………………………..

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