marquee widget for picasa album?

Blogger Help Forums Forums Blogger Widgets marquee widget for picasa album?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by   8 months, 4 weeks ago.

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  • #4112

    Hi there. I really hope I can find someone who can assist me (have yet to have a response from any blogger forum :( but I suppose folk are busy and don’t always have the answers).

    I am trying to create a simple marquee (scrolling horizontally) using images uploaded to a picasa web album. I have a blog for authors (members of a sort of marketing co-operative) and simply want images (150 x 100) of book covers to scroll along the top of the blog as a widget. I can have all of these uploaded to picasa web no problem. I can find any number of gallery or display widgets but absolutely nothing that simply scrolls images along the top of the page!!!

    I don’t even have to have these linked. Just images scrolling… maybe I’m weird here but I would have thought this was the most simple thing in the world? While I admit I’m not a coding fundi, I am willing to do my best if pointed in the right direction, but it seems that every widget out there is determined to be super-complicated and there is nothing along the lines of what I need.

    I have tried the Picasa web slideshow, but it looks ridiculous with one small image displaying at a time. As we will have a blog roll of the various authors, linking the images is unnecessary.

    Oh, pretty please, can someone assist? I really would be most grateful for some help.

    Many thanks,



    check my fiddle for the solution and a demo of the same

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago.

    can i add text marqee in header place on my blog whatsappstatuslove

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