Inner background color and transparency issue

Blogger Help Forums Forums Blogger Template Tweaks Inner background color and transparency issue

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by   3 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #4055

    Hi there, I’m using the Live On Blog template as my basic and have made the changes I want, except for the background of the inner container.

    I could live with the opacity/transparency although I would like it marginally more transparent. The biggest issue is that I would like to be able to change the actual color to fit in with my blog overall color scheme. Try as I might, I cannot seem to find where and how to do this.

    I would greatly appreciate your assistance.

    FYI see screenshot below - red X denotes the color I wish to change.



    Hmm, seems it didn’t want to post the screenshot.

    I wish to change the color behind the posts and widgets, not the background tiled image

    Thank you


    That color is coming up from an image and below code is responsible for setting up the background of content-outer
    <Variable name="main.background" description="Main Background" type="background"
    default="transparent url(.../transparent/white80.png) repeat scroll top left"/>


    Can you please suggest any plugin which allow me to add links in my sidebar in my desired blog posts at blogger.

    My Blog is HERE

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