How to make first post image as feature image above tag

Blogger Help Forums Forums Blogger Templates How to make first post image as feature image above tag


This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by   1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #4425

    I want to post first blogger post image as feature image in above < head > tag, so it will display on top of the blog. i use following code but it not working can you help me out, code is.

    < img expr:alt=’data:post.title’ expr:src=’data:post.firstImageUrl’ expr:title=’data:post.title’ />

    to get img url i use above code and not working.

    please can you tell me the proper code to display it on above < head > tag. and i also want to set its width to 100% my site is here using Square Magazine blogger template.


    2 points need to correct,

    1. all your html must place after <body>, instead of <head> ~ </head>

    2. the blogger data tag ‘data:post.firstImageUrl’ only works between POST AREA, will not work in whole blog. You could use another data tag ‘data:blog.postImageUrl‘, it will work in any location in whole blog



    CC0 HQ free image search engine


    You will find the options for post image as feature image in above < head > tag. It is easy to handle and you will get the idea to make your work more better . Hope you have aware of the ayurvedic treatments in Kerala started with best facilities. Through the Ayurveda treatments you will get a different feeling in your life.


    thank you for sharing this information. the first image posting information.but I like to post first image as feature image .I am a staff for solar light suppliers in kerala

    .thank you so much

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