How To Add AdSense Ads Bellow One Post in Blogger Home Page

Blogger Help Forums Forums Blogger Widgets How To Add AdSense Ads Bellow One Post in Blogger Home Page

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    How To Add AdSense Ads Bellow One Post in Blogger Home Page

    In this tutorial I will show you how to show AdSense or other ads bellow one post in blogger/BlogSpot blog home, label and archive page. ie Advertising will show after the first post. But how it is possible? Many people go to the post footer division and place the ad code. As a result, there is no work to do. Oh, Would be wrong to say that does not work! Post Footer Code scheme is a mess, it is shown ad right down of the homepage and of each post bottom. As a result, the beauty of blog is waste. But do not worry. Because, we will show the solution of it. If you want to get the solution of this problem, please read the full post very carefully. Let’s go to the main point of today’s tutorial.
    How is the importance of this tutorial?
    After adding this code your blog will be more attractive and your ad will get more clicks. Randomly ad placement is not a good practice. So, we should present it with the best and Interesting ways.

    How to add AdSense ads bellow one post in blogger home page?

    • First go to blogger dashboard> edit html>>
    • Now find for bellows code by pressing Ctrl+F in blogger blog template editor.


    <b:include data=’post’ name=’post’/>


    • After getting above code you need to copy bellows codes and past just bellow it.


    <b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == “index”‘><b:if cond=’data:post.isFirstPost’><div id=’ads1stpost’><center>Place your ad codes here</center></div></b:if></b:if>

    It’s time to place advertisement code in your blogger template. From the following code you need to replace the “Place your ad codes here” with your ads code. But not only advertisement code, you can place any other widget, banner or text.
    Now at the end of our work. After saving your template visit your blog home, label and archive page and see it is working fine.
    After reading this post I would like to say that please lave a positive comments about this post. Thanks for reading!

    Falow As !!

    My Blogger Widgets



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