How to add a subdomain on a custom domain?

Blogger Help Forums Forums Blog Setup Help How to add a subdomain on a custom domain?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by   1 year, 5 months ago.

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  • #3258

    Hey! I am having a problem. I have just registered a blog and it is hosted on blogger. But I would like to make a sub-domain for it. But it is possible to make?

    Is there anybody who can help me out?

    I am waiting for the reply post of it.



    you need to create a CNAME record in your domain control panel

    CNAME for blog pointing

    after doing this you can create a new blogger blog and switch it to

    (Note:DNS changes may need little time to propogate.. so give it a lil time.. )


    Hello Aneesh,

    It's nice to be here after so many days. Just got busy in my studies.

    Anyways i need to ask u one question, in my google apps account in saw something like 'mapping' can u explain me that? what are its advantages and drawbacks?

    Even i have a same query like the above member. I read ur reply but could not understand. Can u elaborate and explain in simple words. I have heard that at the most we can make 3 sub-domains. Is it true?


    in google apps you can map the apps to your subdomains.

    for accessing the google apps mail at your domain you will have to create a cname for mail and TTL 1800 and make the necessary changes in your google apps account and you will see the google app mail


    this tutorial is for NAME and it does the Google APP setup automatically.. Still it might help..


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    Hey. I wanted to know how can I use a subdomain to redirect to a page on my blog.

    I don’t want the subdomain to redirect the main blog itself but to another page on the blog.

    Like in your website, redirects to a particlular page not to the main blog itself. Can you tell me how to do this?

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