Blog Review Requested: Three Brothers Health

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by   5 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #3212

    Can you guys let me know what you think of my site?


    Completely open to harsh criticism….

    Also, I love this forum… can you tell me how are you hosting this… I want to add this style forum to my blog… just like you have it as a subdomain.

    I am currently using blogger with godaddy as host. I know how to create subdomains… but I have never implemented a forum. I would love some help implementing a forum like this one!

    Anyway, my site … looking forward to any and all input. :


    First of all i liked your design..but don't like your header..

    Ok to setup a forum like this,you will need to buy your own hosting.

    I would suggest you to use hostgator..personally because i have used many many hosts and is now addicted to hostgator..

    They provide me unlimited space and bandwidth at 100$ a year..

    If you plan to use hostgator,just buy the hosting and ask the hostgator guys to setup a cname record for threebrothershealth [cname record pointing to] they will do that in advance if you ask them to do so..

    Now just point change your domain name servers to that of hostagator.. [Nameservers are something like NS6876878.hostgator]

    When you are done with this,your main blog will be still hosted with will need to create a redirection from threebrothershealth [just create an htacces file to do this..]

    ok now add a subdomain from your hosting account.. a subdomain like forums.threebrothershealth .

    In the root directory of the subdomain download and install BBpress

    Its the s/w that powers this forum.It is completely free and Opensource. Its another great thing from Automattic,the makers of wordpress.

    You can also do the same with godaddy hosting if you have got one.But i would personally suggest hostgator..

    If you plan to use hostgator ,and if possible use my referral link

    and also search for some hostgator coupons before you signup.. you will get some discounts..

    If you need more help feel free to contact me..


    Some people don't know what the header is a reference to:

    Remus and Romulus

    Anyway, you are entitled to your opinion.

    I dont know if I am going to change my host… maybe i will just upgrade with godaddy… I'll have to figure it out.

    Thanks for the input… if i decide to go with hostgator ill use your link.


    yea you can buy hosting from godaddy..

    add a subdomain there and install BBpress.. Its the best lite weight forum software..

    godaddy costs $14.99/mo for unlimited hosting..

    if you need any help setting up BBpress do let me know..


    can I embed ads into BBpress? wat about vBulletin.


    Another question, let's say I use HostGator to JUST host the Forum… and I point that forum to an IP of the my forum on hostgator… is that too complicated to do?


    yes you can add adsense to BBPress

    vBulletin is much more powerful and complicated and it needs you to have a paid licence..

    i didnt understand the second thing that you asked.. Can you explain?

    [you host forum on host gator then point that forum to an ip of forum on hostgator. didn't get ya..]


    did you get it fixed??


    ok, so i did some research.

    I contacted gator but it just seemed to complicated. (I've never done anything like this before)

    I have to do DNS stuff, and I'm just not that literate with these things.

    So I am going to hold off for now.

    anyway, my visitors are up to 1000 per day (not bad)


    Actually i think that if you stick to godaddy you will not even need to change the Name Servers.(I hope So) Just buy hosting from godaddy and add subdomain wont have to change a thing

    BTW if you had contacted hostgator,you should ask them to do all these things for you..Yea they will do it. I had contaced them..

    If you ever plan to use it here are the steps..

    1.Buy Hosting from Host Gator

    2.Ask them to create a CNAME for pointing to and tell them that its for blogger custom domain and ask them to notify you when they have completed this job

    3.When they are done with that(when you get notified) just login to your domain control panel(at godaddy) and change your nameservers to that of HostGators..

    4.Thats all you are done..(your blog will still be hosted at blogger)

    5.Now you can login to your hosting control panel and add the subdomain for forums or anything you want

    This is the way i did it and i made sure that this can be done for a new customer like you.I had a chat with the Tech Guys of Hostgator.If you want i can sent you the chat transcript with hostgator..

    BTW i feel that Godaddy will be better for you..So you wont need to do anything new..Just buy hosting form them thats all

    If you need any help setting it up on Godaddy or HostGator,you can surely contact me..

    And 1000 visits a day is a good thing to start off with.. keep going..


    gator was slightly expensive so i went with Siteground…. just one month fo $1 then $5 unlimited traffic/data

    Anyway, any tips for a forum newbie… i would love to make the forum look like my website, and put in some ads….

    Thanks buddy!

    (By the way, I like to updates to the design… looking good.!)


    hmm ok.. i hope you are looking for something

    First of all ask your host,if they can setup CNAME records for you.. If they cant,then you wont be able to get the forum running on the same domain..

    For customizing the design Choose the BBOrg theme that i am using and try to modify your style sheet to incorporate your header..

    thanks for the comments on the new design!!


    Aneesh, does hostgator allow uploading videos/mp3s?

    thedoc, do you still have the forum?

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