Best Speech and Hearing Clinic in Kerala

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  • #4451

    We are lucky people, because God blessed we with no disabilities. There are people with speech and hearing disabilities. They can’t hear what we say,the natures melodious sound, the sweet songs of the birds and they can’t speak to their parents,they can’t call their “amma”, which is the most beautiful word in the world.There are many reasons how the speech and hearing causes ,may be by genetics,accident or by diseases. Many people avoid them and didn’t like to interact with the disability people.Researchers are going to expand the technologies to treat the deaf and dump people. There are special schools and colleges for them. Government have reserved special seats in case of education to professional colleges and for occupation.We can do lot of things to uplift them in the society. In everyday newspaper we are hearing that deaf and dumb girl child are not safe.Deaf and dump girl child were sexually assaulted by several times when their parents go to work.The Speech and Hearing Clinic is an integrated mix of technology and experience in the field of hearing and speech. The aim is to identification and intervention of all speech and language disorder. The Speech and Hearing Clinic offers evaluation and treatment for individuals experiencing problems with hearing, language, articulation, fluency and voice as well as hearing aid fitting and dispensing. The objective is to help improve hearing and speech problems of using ultra modern techniques and technology. The audiologists provide a wide variety of services for the patients and these include the prescribing rehabilitation treatments hearing assessment etc.The speech and hearing disability should not become impairment in their learning process. Treat patients from all age groups and take special interest in young children.The latest information on servicing hearing aids including how to care for hearing aids for individuals who are experiencing hearing loss or just desire to learn more about how to care for hearing aids to make the right hearing health decisions. Hearing aids are programmed and adjusted to the satisfaction of patients, with the help of the most modern computerized equipment and technologies. A wide variety of sophisticated hearing aids and devices appropriate for all life styles and types of hearing loss. adjusted to the satisfaction of patients, with the help of the most modern computerized equipment and technologies. A wide variety of sophisticated hearing aids and devices appropriate for all life styles and types of hearing loss.speech and hearing clinic kottayam




    thank you fro sharing this grateful information.I really enjoyable to read your post.As a staff of panchakarma treatment in kerala .I appreciated for this post.

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