imageSome of you might have already noticed the new “Follow by Email” Gadget on your “Add a Gadget Page”. The gadget is pretty simple and easy to install.


To add this Gadget, Follow these simple steps

1. Login to your Blogger Dashboard, Navigate to Design > Page Elements tab and click on the “Add a Gadget” Link

2.On the next window click on the plus sign, and you will be taken to the gadget options page.image

3. Click the save Button and you are done.


You are done now!! :) Wasn’t that simple?

Some  Insight!!

You can track your subscription information from your FeedBurner Panel.

Though this gadget has got a simple easy to use interface, the gadget is really intelligent, and does  lot of background work and synchronization. It checks if you have already burnt your blogger feed, and if you have, then it retrieves  your Feed burner URL automatically. If you have burnt  the feed but  hadn’t enabled the Email Subscription option for your Feed, then it automatically enables the same.

If you haven’t even used FeedBurner before, then it automatically burns your blogger feed, and retrieves the new FeedBurner url of the new feed that was generated.

Oh!! I hate the url that FeedBurner gave me.

If your blog has a very common name, then there is every possibility that you will end up with a  non-pretty FeedBurner url. Most of  you might not give a damn about this url. But if you really want to change it, then you can easily do that as well.Follow these Steps

1. Login and Click on the Feed For your Blog


2. Click on Edit Feed Details


3. Change the Feed Address to something pretty!

4. Click on Save Feed Details button


What do you think of this new Gadget from the Blogger Team and what tweaks would you like to see on this gadget?


  1. Thanks for shearing .

  2. I think its a pretty handy little gadget to add to a blog, I've added it to my blog although I'm not sure if I'm that popular that people have added their email address to it.

  3. Hey, how do I find who follows me by e-mail?

  4. @Alexys - Login to feedburner, Click on your Feed,Click on "See more about your subscribers" and on the next screen, click "FeedBurner Email Subscriptions" under "Email Subscription Services"

  5. i like it, i will try it

  6. Crew of the SolsticeMarch 22 at 6:06 PM

    Thanks for this gadget. I've just added it, so we'll see how many of those people who wanted email instead of a blog find it.

  7. think this is a neat way for people to follow a blog - cheers

  8. That's what I was waiting for. Actually i hated to go to feedburner and then do that boring stuff to add an email subscription box to my blog. But, now with this widget it's much simpler.
    Thanks for the update.

  9. Aneesh, thank you!

  10. I've been wondering how to do this. Now I've added it and tested it with one of my many email addys. Nice explanation and great gadget. Isn't blogger great for all the gadgets they make available for us to use. Makes us feel and "appear" to be almost professional. Now if you want to read a bit of the ramblings of a Southern lady, check my blog out a bit.... Now I hope I've not infringed in some area I should not by adding the link here. :)

  11. i was waiting for such a nice gadget for a long time!
    its feels great to me..
    plus tonnes of thanks for clearing all my doubts that i was having back in my mind.. :)

  12. This is another cool gadget for blogger, I just use it on my blog yesterday. Never know how to config on feedburn, thanks for sharing in dept instruction.

  13. Positive ThoughtsMarch 25 at 4:09 PM

    See the power of positive thoughts within you. God bless you

  14. thanks for telling abt Follow By Email Gadget for Blogger. nice to learn new things! great post!

  15. nice info friends thank you for trik

  16. Great share, I'm adding this into my blog now. I will be curious to see how many people go for it. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks again.

  17. create a memorialMarch 31 at 2:49 PM

    Wow, thanks a lot for sharing!

  18. i think this is pretty good but can i know how many visitors are subscribed to my blog...........

  19. it was so difficult to follow all those steps of feed burner but now i can do this so easily........thanks for the post.......

  20. CatNCart CraftApril 4 at 8:54 AM

    Just a question .. how can a person unsubscribe from receiving the emails once they have signed up, if they no longer wish to receive the emails anymore?


  21. intresting.......

  22. Thanks!

  23. Good Info

  24. I added this gadget on my blog :)

  25. How long does it take (after publishing a new post) for the email notification to go out? Immediately upon publishing, or after some amount of time?

  26. Frank ZweegersMay 25 at 8:44 PM

    Thanks. Useful!

  27. I've added it successfully and people used it and it works. Problem is, no one received email notifications of my blog postings. So it didn't work for me. Any suggestions?

  28. Wow. Great tool, thx.
    Is it possible to change the tekst into my own language, and if so how? Just simply change 'submit' into 'verzenden' would bge enough.
    A Dutch bloggerfan...

  29. Hi

  30. Thanks a Bunch !

  31. Hey Thanks a Million man

  32. Ifinder Ifindi August 29 at 11:34 AM

    Sir. Me new to tech. Learning a lot here. Searching for a similar Gadget 'Contact by Email'. With Regards.

  33. Interesting technique you have Admin. You remove the url from the comment author names. i suggest you should mention this in your comments section that you wont be giving any dofollow backlinks to your daily visitors. Crap thing though! you just lost one here.

  34. @Psycho - you can click the profile pic to reach the user's blog. I don't see the need for 2 separate links.

  35. thanks dude

    really helpful for me

    i used this trick in my site

  36. thanks for good teacher no side i am verya very happy

  37. Some of our readers are complaining that they signed up for email but are not getting anything. What can I do about that? --Nina

  38. Thanks