It's Christmas time and here is a Blogger Widget to decorate your blog For Christmas. You can see the demo here in this my blog. The Christmas Bells and the Snow Fall are a part of this Widget.
After Adding the Gadget, drag it to someplace in your Footer(This will improve the page load speed).
Click the SAVE button
If you want to remove the Widget, you can click on the Edit Link on the Gadget and click on the Remove button
I will try to add some more Christmas Gadgets to this post if I get time. :) If you have any suggestions, please drop them in.
Credits : jQuery SnowFall Plugin
Bell Icon Courtesy
Thanks =D
Thank you so much, it's cool ^^.
This is DOPE!!!!!!
Did you make it yourself?
SWEET APP!!!!! I mean, AWESOME WIDGET!!!! ^_^
Superb...Thanks for sharing.
not working :-( I get an error 400 message ....
awesome man! :D
@Jakolien Sok -Its working on your blog.That error occasionally occurs when adding widgets. Go to your page elements page once again, and you will find the widget there.
Thanks for the gadget :)
so kool
WOW!! very nice!! :) thank you and merry christmas!!!
Love it its working great
Hahaha....... I thought decoration for christmas is for our christmas tree and house decors only, but blogs can be decorated too.
its awesome.... and my blog looks cute... thnks Aneesh... :D
Merry Christmas in advance
it's working on my blog.. thx aneesh..
merry christmas for you and everyone..
not working
Thanks!!! =D I was wondering next time have others options/versions of this cool effect! Like Snow storm xD
Now my all of my page elements are gone and the page elements tab says"Bad Request
Error 400" that's all!
@Austin - you will find it back there, when you login again.
not working
Thank you very much!
Does this take alot of CPU? XD
i like this widget:D
Wow. It works. How Can I increase the speed of snow falls? Suggestions plz...
Thank you kupo! Merry Christmas ^^*
Very nice widget. How can I increase the size of snow flakes??
Thanks for sharing. Merry christmes and happy new year
Thanks for this widget. I just added this. But when the page is completely loaded, two bells shown up near to my blog. It is not in right position. Please have a look at it.
Thanks for this widget so so much
@Anup - your blog's body width is set to 980px. So the bells will be displayed within this area. If you use 100% of the screen, then the bells will move to the corners :)
God bless you!Very nice widget!
Nice catch! Just fixed it. Thanks for you help :)
thank you ^_^
What about Valentine's plugins
Good :)
Its Cool... :-)
Thank So much.
Thank You so much !!!... its CoooOoooOoollll!!!!
Thanks for your kind offering! easily done
thank you very much!
thnx a lot, super cute!
liked it! great widget! thank you!